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Many people think that anxiety is just worrying about a job interview or an upcoming project but, it is much more than that. Anxiety could get so severe to the point of an anxiety attack. An anxiety attack is an episode of intense fear or anxiety that could cause physical symptoms. Some physical symptoms include:
Shortness of breathHeart palpitationsChest pain
Some triggers that could cause an anxiety attack are overworking, a reminder of past trauma, large crowds, conflict, or busy work periods
If you catch yourself in an anxiety attack practice this grounding exercise:
5 things you can see4 things you can touch3 things you can hear2 things you can smell1 emotion you can feel
source: realdepressionproject
Some people with anxiety are described as being “dramatic” or “rude” for certain things they do but sometimes they can’t control it. For example, when someone cancels plans last minute it is seen as “rude” but for a person with anxiety their symptoms might be setting in and they need a break. If you know someone with anxiety don’t judge or guilt trip them for their behavior. Instead be understanding, caring and reassuring!