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The launch of Krispy Kreme’s new doughnuts are certainly Halloween worthy. The company, now featuring four new doughnuts, is temporarily changing their name to “Krispy Skreme” for this spooky holiday. As well as offering them at 1$ a doughnut, I’d say this combination of donuts is to die for.
Your choices of the doughnuts can vary. The first is the Abra Cat Dabra doughnut, a doughnut dipped in chocolate glaze and sanding sugar, decorated with white fondue to resemble a cat.
The second doughnut is the Enchanted Cauldron doughnut, which is a chocolate cake doughnut dipped in glaze, then decorated with kreme, sprinkles, and a pretzel broomstick.
The third is the Bewitched Broomstick doughnut, a shell doughnut dipped in purple icing, topped with an icing swirl, gold stars, green buttercream and another pretzel broomstick.
The fourth and last is the Spooky Sprinkle doughnut, a simple glazed doughnut dipped in orange icing and topped with Halloween themed sprinkles.
As well as adding mini Halloween doughnuts, I’d say this will be a good year to love these sweet treats.
Mini Chocolate Doughnut iced with Halloween themed sprinkles
Mini Pumpkin Doughnut
Mini Spooky Drizzle
Now, its not just the doughnuts to look out for, Krispy Kreme has something else up their sleeve. Starting every Saturday since October 16th 2021, Krispy Kreme is holding an event called “Saturday Scary Sharies,” a little something for the customers to enjoy. With the purchase of any dozen doughnuts, the costumers can get a dozen box of Halloween doughnuts for just a dollar, even packaged in a limited edition doughnut box, shaped to look like a spell book.
And not to stop there. When you come in to Krispy Kreme on Halloween (October 31st) wearing your costume, you can get a free doughnut! So, basically, enjoy it while you can, because this only comes once a year.