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What is Transformers: Rise of the Beasts?
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is a sequel to 2018’s Bumblebee and is also a soft reboot of the franchise. The movie has been greatly influenced by Transformers: Beast Wars (1996) and Transformers generation 1. We will be seeing the Predacons, the Maximals, and the Terrorcons in live action and on the big screen for the first time. Fans have wanted to see these giant robots for years on the big screen, and it is finally happening!
Optimus Primal
More Need to Know
The movie is set to release this summer on June 9, 2023. If you are a fan of Transformers generation 1 or Beast Wars or both, this is the movie for you. You will be getting the best of both worlds with this product. Steven Caple Jr. is going to be the director of this film, he is most known for directing Creed II.
It is going to be a classic story about the war between Autobots and Decepticons, but this time the Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons will be joining the fight.
Paramount Pictures has confirmed that this is going to be the first movie in a planned trilogy.
Characters old and new will be returning and joining the battle in this new Transformers film. Optimus prime, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Mirage, and Arcee will all be making a return to the big screen. Some characters are going to be brought to life in live action for the first time and those characters are Optimus Primal, Rhinox, scourage, and more.
Vehicle Forms of the Characters
There are a lot of familiar and unfamiliar faces in the cast of this movie. Peter Cullen is of course returning as Optimus Prime. Surprisingly Pete Davidson is going to voice one of the fan-favorite Autobots, Mirage. Popular YouTuber Liza Koshy will be taking on the role of Arcee. Scourage the big bad man himself will be voiced by none other than Peter Dinklage. Optimus Primal will be voiced Ron Perlman.
The rest of the cast is Anthony Ramos: Noah, Dominique Fishback: Elena, Tobe Nwigwe: Reek, Michelle Yeoh: Airazor/Serdacier, Cristo Fernandez: Wheel Jack, Michaela Jae Rodriquez: Nightbird, John DiMaggio: Stratosphere, David Sobolov: Rhinox, Domenic Di Rosa: Bus driver, lauren vélez: Noah’s mother.