Have you ever been in a position where you needed to buy a significant other or a friend a candy for Valentines Day? It’s very common around this holiday to treat your significant other, or maybe even a friend with candy, flowers, or even gifts. What if you have no clue what to get them? No worries, here is top 5 Valentine Day candies to help.
1. Lindor Truffle Chocolates
You can never go wrong with a good chocolate. Lindor chocolate is very popular even around all holidays, Lindor could be considered many peoples favorite chocolate. Lindor comes in all different flavors but specifically for Valentines Day Strawberry would be the best option. Lindor chocolate is a very popular chocolate company around the world.
2. Conversation Hearts
Many say these conversation hearts taste chalky, and they don’t like them, but personally the conversation hearts are my personal favorite. The candies have nice messages on them that would be perfect for your significant other or friend. Roughly 13 million pounds of conversation hearts are sold during Valentine’s Day.
3. Fun Dip
Fun dip is also very common for Valentine’s Day especially with the younger kids. Fun dip is a candy that comes in a pouch that is a powder and includes a white stick that you eat with the powder. I like fun dip is good, but I wouldn’t consider it 1st option in your pick. The fun dip industry has been around since the 1940’s many have noted it as a delightful, powdered candy.
4. Hersey Kiss Chocolates
Hersey Kiss chocolates are a basic chocolate that’s really good. It’s good for a small chocolate to gift for Valentine’s Day. The Hersey’s chocolate company was founded in 1894, the company also produces caramels, breakfast cocoa, sweet chocolate, and baking chocolate. As of 2024 roughly around 8 million pounds of Hersey kisses are expected for the holidays.
5. Dove Dark Chocolate and Strawberry Swirl
Dove chocolate is loved by many including me. It’s a silky-smooth chocolate that is very delightful. The dove chocolate company was founded in 1939. Dove is the chocolate that when you put it in your mouth it melts, the taste of dove chocolate is very delightful to many. What if dark chocolate strawberry swirl chocolate isn’t your kind of chocolate? No worries, Dove chocolate comes in many other flavors and varieties to choose from.