QSA, Queer Straight and Allies of South High have decided to come together and make posters for positivity great for all students of South High alike! All drawn by hand by the lovely students, all made...
Have you noticed your having to bend your chargers a certain way to get it to work? Your phone battery draining a bit faster than usual? Headphones breaking after a couple of weeks? Trust me, its not your...
Warning: This post contains mild spoilers. Get MouthWashing on Steam! It's a really good game, and the creators have made other great titles. If you don't want to buy the game, I highly...
Recently with the bathroom pass policy, students need to carry around colored passes correlating to the hall the student currently is. But seemingly a lot of the passes have gone missing, leaving many...
Its over... but a few questions still remain... Where will the people get their dopamine? Will Red Note become on top? Will any other apps get banned? Keep in tune for more details on, THE TORCH.
A new, strange help has arrived for the students of South High. The Listening Lockers! A way to get anonymous way to get students the help they need. Just find one of the particular listening locker forms,...
With all the bad Batman and DCU reputation going on with the failure of the game Kill the Justice League, Batman fans are all torn. But fear not! while the Joker has had many, many portrayals, the recent...
Well, wait no more, INTRODUCING: KAKAA, the loveable, huggable, little bean buddy! His wide eyes...
Do you still notice or even see the old Charlie Brown cartoons that come on during the holidays? A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, A Charlie Brown Christmas, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, and maybe...
Due to some situations in the US, the future has become very clear to the socially aware. The Boomers are harassing the younger generations once again, Damn kids and their (*Insert thing they don't understand*)...
The fall season is ironically coming in hot, We are seeing Pumpkin Spiced everything at this time of year! At this time you can always find Tyke indulging in a nice Pump-o Spiced whipped cream fizz crunch™...