Want more Christmas presents? Take this Thanksgiving decoration to your family dinner and see what they think of your creative skills and maybe, just maybe, Grandma and the others will give you a little something extra for Christmas!
You need:
Nail polish (variety of colors)…and you know you have some that you don’t like or use anymore
Nail polish remover (cause you will probably get it on something you don’t want to get it on)
A bowl you don’t really care about or are willing to clean up
Baby white pumpkins
Fill your bowl up with water and then let the bowl sit.
Then drip your nail polish in your bowl using the brush part. You can use a toothpick to get the design that you want.
After you have your design, just dip your pumpkin and pull out carefully!
4. Continue doing step 2-3 to both the top and bottom of your pumpkins.