Alexis Tuttle
– Alexis’s first day of school was scary because of the tall people. She is taking automotive class and P.E, but her favorite class is World History with the teacher Christopher Dreher. She really likes cheering, and she is a cheerleader at the YMCA. Alexis said she was going to try out for the Cheerleading at South. I asked Alexis if she liked the 3 inch binders they had to carry around and she said, “No, the binder is too big and I don’t like binders”. Shes not in any clubs and know few people but she still thinks that her freshmen class is kinda “Stupid, no offense” she stated. Also Alexis might try out for Volleyball, so watch out Volleyball players here she comes!
Shelby Ford
– Shelby said her first day of school was “overwhelming, because there were many many people”. She is taking Band, 21st Century Journalism, Law and Public Services, and P.E. Shelby plays the clarinet and her favorite class is band with the teacher, Jordan Brown. I asked if she liked the 3 inch binder and she stated strongly “NO”. Shelby plans to be on the Girls Swim Team and is in the Leadership Club. She hangs out in the band room a lot because she twirls a flag for the South High Marching Band. When I questioned Shelby about how do most of the freshmen class act she said, “I don’t know, but most are immature”. Also, Shelby said her favorite core class is Biology with the teacher, Ben Bounous. I guess science teachers can be pretty cool too!