On November 18th, GEAR UP provided the juniors with 2 amazing guest speakers. The first speaker was a gentlemen who goes by the name “Chu” & the second speaker was Courtney Lockhart.
Chu is a motivational speaker from Arizona that travels around, sharing his story. He started off as a very troubled kid who all the teachers hated. It took one teacher in high school, to believe in him. That teacher opened so many doors for him because she saw something in Chu. After getting a full ride to college, the rest was history. He visited South to have a one-on-one talk with a group of students who are academically struggling. He wanted to share his story so the students will see that tough times, wont set your entire life back.

Courtney Lockhart is a representative from WSU’s financial office. He came to talk to our soon-to-be seniors next year, about Scholarship Searching, Tips for Success, loans/grants, and Investments. He had plenty of facts and recommendations on how to get yourself scholarships for almost anything! Courtney explained in detail steps to get not just scholarships, but how to proper apply for financial aid, and how to pull out loans without falling too far in debt.