To understand this story better, read the previous article this one follows-up!
South Park is an American animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. First debuting in 1997 and currently on their 26th season. 5 episodes of South Park have been banned and the show has been sued more times than most other cartoons. Even being sued over S26 E2 by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Recently though South Park (much like Family Guy) has garnered a lot of popularity on TikTok.
South Park has almost eliminated Family Guy‘s popularity on TikTok and replaced it with itself. The trend follows the exact same format as “Family Guy pipeline videos” with a cut clip from a regular episode of the show on the top half and random mobile game clips on the bottom. The sources of the clips are vary diverse ranging between the original skit that got South Park greenlit to YouTube parodies of the show from fans. Very popular are edits of many characters like Kenny, Butters, Cartman, Mysterion, etc. The edits can range from positive and gritty to sad and melancholy. The games and movies have also been clipped and posted very commonly are clips of the game “The Fractured But Whole”. The show has also been very popular to make sounds from. TikTok has even influenced the plot of the show with it being an important plot point in S26 E1.