Some may think color isn’t a hot topic when it comes to movies, most people looking into the actions and words of the characters and their story. However, color tells a story that our brains, subconsciously comprehend. Ex: The worlds favorite color, Blue, when you think of the color blue you have some sort of connection with the color, maybe having its own meaning dependent on you. Ex:
- You run through a meadow, frolicking around on a sunny day. You pause to look at the sky. The baby blue perfectly frames the fluffy white clouds above. A rush of warm calm flushes your skin as you sit and cherish this view. Grass touching your skin as you pick your spot; your time is dedicated to this moment.
- You rush into your bedroom. Tears stuck to your face, you feel so broken inside that you just want to collapse to the ground. Solemnly, you walk to your bedside and fall into your bed. Laying face up your royal blue walls seem to close in to coddle you, in your time of need. You grab your blankets and wrap up, hoping to never leave as long as you need.
With that being said The Silence of the Lambs is a great example for this kind of story telling. The cult-classic has stayed in the hearts of millions. The director, Jonathan Demme (22/2/1944-4/26/2017), earned great respect and praise for his choices in that film, including color direction. For the further examples there will be 3 scenes referenced which use color theory well, and execute the meaning of the story well.
Lets continue with Blue.
Usually giving a serine or chilling feel, blue can be found in many parts of the movie. In one scene, our protagonist Starling a woman with the goal of studying and catching serial killers, is researching Hannibal Lector and his patients. The scene incorporates a variety of cool colors, including blue, which includes Starlings pen. Another, blue is often associated with intelligence, taking this mind this scene could represent a serene calm while learning on her subject, Lector. It also shows that Starling is a relativity intelligent person, being in a place of science.
Another color with various themes within the film is of course Red.
Since The Silence if the Lambs is a horror title, red will be various in its meanings and forms. Typically being a color of passion, rage and power. It shows up in various stages of the movie in many different ways either being in blood or just a piece of clothing. Which brings us to the scene where Starling has some business to take care of with the agent in charge, Jack Crawford. She walks to the lift that will take her to Crawford she enters the lift followed by a group of men all wearing a red polo. Important to the scene Starling wears a blue sweater, symbolizing her difference between the men.

This message symbolizes her being in a misogynist workforce, presence unwanted. Even Starling with all her ambition and experience is still treated as though she is the other, by way of her gender, in this case red representing hostility for being an outsider.
White may not be a color to some, probably being considered a shade or whatnot. But as a color it is famous for it representation of purity and innocence. In a movie like The Silence of the Lambs the meaning is easily distorted and warped for sake of the story; done excellently! Like Hannibal Lector’s look in the scene were he wears the white outfit, looking almost clinical and sharp. Representing his evil morals and his lack of sympathy for his crimes. This color was specifically used to show Lector’s almost alien behaviors, showing a sort of higher power in the way of his killings. White in a movie like The Silence of the Lambs is reminiscent of how Magenta is used in the Movie/Film Color Out of Space by HP Lovecraft, one color used to represent something unexplainable and strange.
In short, Silence of the lambs is a wonderful movie with so many horrifying storytelling moments, both on the surface and embedded within the scenes unfolding in front of us! Cinematography and director work are an important feature of this movie, especially when it comes to mood and thematic feel! Surely recommend the movie, and go watch it to see the similarities and connections brought up or have even been missed!