People wonder all the time if aliens exist. Some think the government knows about aliens and is just hiding it from the people. I feel like we forget that we have a whole universe that we barely know anything about.
We only know so much about the universe and its so unimaginably huge. There’s so many planets how can we claim that ours would be the only one with life on it. Even though we actually never seen an alien it is highly likely we are not alone.
And what about the what ifs. What if they’ve learned all about us already? What we need to survive or how to even contact us but just haven’t? What if they hold a grudge against us? What if they’re already here and just blending in? Who knows there could be one right next to you we just wouldn’t know?
If they’re are aliens in our galaxies its mostly they are way more advance then us. They would be able to hide them self so we cant trace them. Then again, they could no nothing or even not know about us.

In 2021 NASA got asked if aliens exist. Astrobiologist Lindsay Hays said “The more exoplanets we find around other stars, the more we learn about how many different environments could exist for life.” So, there still looking for other sources of life in different environments which aliens might be on one of those environments we haven’t explored yet. Lindsay also quoted Carl Sagan: “The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, it seems like an awful waste of space.” She also said that NASA will keep looking.
We don’t have physical proof of aliens so its really up to debate and speculation. It might take take years and years until we actually find out if there are aliens or life out there. Until then, we can only imagine what aliens look and act like.
In the end, the question “Do aliens exist?” doesn’t have a confirmed answer, so just believe what you want to believe!