South High School does a pretty good job of providing the student body with a nutritious meal daily. Each meal contains around 400 Calories and are usually containing vegetables, proteins, and grains. I’ve seen my fair share of lunchroom food. From the mushy meatloaf in elementary school to now, a senior in high school. Today you’ll hear about my experiences with the grab-and-go school lunches on the carts in the hallways.
#1: Chicken Ceaser Salad w/ Veggie Crackers

This has always been a personal favorite. It’s simple, clean, and nutritious, making it a great dish for lunchtime. This entree includes grains, proteins, and vegetables. The dish itself, everything included, is 468 calories and 48.04 g of carbs. If I ever walk past the cart, I’ll gladly take a chicken Caesar salad.
#2 Chips & Salsa

The dish includes frito original bean dip, cheddar cheese cubes, and homemade salsa and Tostitos chips, or so the website says. I have never seen the cheddar cheese cubes in my box; however, that doesn’t make it any less good. This entree provides grains, vegetables, and proteins, again making this a very nutritious meal for lunch. The dish holds 408 calories and 47.86 g of carbs. The downside to this dish is its inconsistency, as sometimes the salsa can be very watery.
#3 The Hot dog

The hot dog is something that is not too hard to pass up it is a pretty good lunch, and even better paired with some fresh fruit. It is your simple hot dog and hot dog bun, but still worth waiting in the cart line. The hot dog is 340 calories, holding grains and proteins. The bun can be stale sometimes, and you never know what you are going to get, but when it is good, it is good. Making this pretty high on my tier list
#4 Garlic Parmesan Chicken Ceaser Wrap

Let’s not forget about the chicken ceaser wrap. It is not everybody’s first choice, and if I were to look at it, It wouldn’t be mine either; however, the taste is pretty good. The wrap contains:
- Chicken diced parmesan Garlic Bulk
- Chopped Romain Lettuce
- Ceaser Dressing
- Shredded Carrots
- Parmesan Cheese
All of this is about 433 Calories and holds everything you look for in a meal.
#5 Chicken Jerky Grab & Go

Any time I open this bag I feel like I was just crop dusted. It is not my go-to and probably never will be unless I need to eat. I’ll usually just grab the bag for the cheese stick and that’s how you know it’s bad. The calories in the bag are 409 calories and is very good protein. Just never been a fan of jerky especially not ones that hold order, making it last on my tier list.
The school menu: