As the holiday season is approaching becoming full with holly jolly cheers, but is it actually a pure jolly holiday season? Have you ever heard about the legend of Krampus? If you have do you think it’s real or is it just hoax? Krampus is believed to been originated in Germany. Krampus is known to have a messed up and deranged face with bloodshot eyes with a furry body and hooves for feet, and long creepy claws for hands. The easiest way to describe it is half demon and half goat.

The mythical creatures are known to run through the streets, chasing children and adults, poking them with sticks and scaring them making them realize that they been naughty that year. They’re are many different tales/origins of Krampus, but its more of a celebration in different country’s. Most of all it’s a religion in Austria. During December the children of Austria and Germany wait to get a visit from St. Nicolas and the naughty well have to deal with Krampus. Children who behaved got rewarded and the naughty ones got a lump of coal and got chased around and beat my a stick, or even kidnapped.

The name “Krampus” comes from the Old High German word “Krampen” which means “claw”. The evolution of the legend Krampus comes from a Christianity foothold in Europe. Many characters including Krampus were always assembled through Christian traditions. By the middle ages Krampus found it’s way in the winter Christian festivals. In country’s such as Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, and Germany, December 5 would be the day they celebrate Krampusnacht/ Krampus night. On the night of Krampusnacht, men would dress up as Krampus and they would roam the streets terrifying little children with chains and bells. The next day on December 6, they would celebrate St. Nicholas day and the good children would receive sweet treats. This holiday has been celebrated for many years and many years to come.

Most people know Krampus from movies and the TV, but it is not just some made up story to tell a scary Christmas story. It comes from a religion, it is a religion. Now we can talk about how Krampus is viewed in the movie life.