The T.V. Show of the week for February 8th-14th is Modern Family. Modern Family is an American television sitcom that premiered on ABC on September 23, 2009, which follows the lives of Jay Pritchett and his family, all of whom live in suburban Los Angeles. Pritchett’s family includes his second wife, his stepson, and infant son, as well as his two adult children and their spouses and children. Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan conceived the series while sharing stories of their own “modern families”. The series is presented in mockumentary style, with the fictional characters frequently talking directly into the camera. The series premiered on September 23, 2009 and was watched by 12.6 million viewers. Early on, it was named as a key holder for the 62nd Primetime Emmy Awards. On October 8, 2009 the series was picked up for a full season. The series has received positive reviews from critics. The show has won many awards, including the Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series in each of the past five years and the Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series four times so far as well, twice for Eric Stone street and twice for Ty Burrell, as well as the Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series twice for Julie Bowen. It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy. The syndication rights to the show have also been sold to USA Network and 10 Fox affiliates and CW affiliate WLVI for a fall 2013 premiere. The success of the show has also led it to being the tenth-highest revenue-generating show for 2012, earning $2.13 million an episode. Brian Lowry, of Variety, sums up the show regarding the airing of the pilot episode: “Flitting among three storylines, it’s smart, nimble and best of all, funny, while actually making a point about the evolving nature of what constitutes ‘family'”. The series was renewed for its sixth season on May 8, 2014. The sixth season premiered on September 24, 2014.
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