Honorable Mentions!
This montage didn’t make Top 5, But definitely deserves some respect for the great arrangement of insane, high standard clips, and the best edit for a team of this size.
THE Top 5!
FaZe iLL Cams 49! at #5
With the debut to Hoodie Allen’s new album, FaZe Clan comes out with a teamtage! Buzzing a LOT of media attention in the gaming world. During the time, this was also the first teamtage that had 3D manipulation within the editing as you can see with the writing on the white board to introduce it and the bumble bee floating on the cop car 15 seconds in. They’re really stepping up the editing standards for all hoping to join this prestigious team.
PAMAJ 1 Million at #4
Pamaj released this montage on the happening of him hitting 1 Million subscribers on YouTube. Opening with a kill chain (9+ kills) of head shots only really set the tone for the rest of the montage; and without fail, all of the clips, along with the editing are both creative and unpredictable.
The new team FaZe created to become a gateway hits 100k subscribers under a month and comes out with he craziest teamtage anyone has seen for months. The opener being an insane, nearly IMPOSSIBLE trickshot across the map through un-wallbangable walls, really had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what the rest of the teamtage had to offer.
FaZe 1 Million #2!
The FIRST huge teamtage for FaZe Clan is their 1 Million subscriber teamtage! This montage really set the standards for all gamers at the time still to this day.
The Pamaj MOVIE! at #1
This 5 minute piece of art by NikkyHD is the greatest montage ever created. This editor took the guns, actions, and maps from Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 and added natural disasters, changed the colors (OF EVERYTHING) and literally turned this game, into a movie. She did so well in fact, the makers of the Call Of Duty: Black Ops series hired her at Treyarch to make the next and up coming Call Of Duties.