While it’s too late to join a winter sport if you’re not already in it, there is plenty of time to decide to try out for a spring sport. Conditioning for most of them is around January through March and is not mandatory. it is recommended to do conditioning because it gives you a chance to meet the coaches and potential teammates. You also get a good idea of what the sport is like to see if its right for you; it also gives you a chance to try out the other options you have for the season. For people who don’t exercise regularly, it gives you a chance to get used to the amount of physical activity you will now be doing.

Spring sports for boys are baseball, tennis, and track & field. Baseball is coached by Mr. Tafoya. Tennis is coached by Mrs. Bumgarner, who does not work at South, and will start practices March 2 on the tennis courts. Track & field is coached by Mr. Dickman and they have already started conditioning.
Spring sports for girls are softball, soccer, swimming & diving, and track & field. Softball is coached by Ms. Carney and Ms. Harvey. Conditioning is on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4. Soccer is coached by Mr. Gonzalez in E3 and Mr. Martinez. They have conditioning on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays and meet in the Go Zone and go from 3:30 to 5. Swimming & diving is coached by Mrs. Sommers and meet for conditioning by the new gym. Track & field has the same coaches and dates as the boys.
Time management skills are important if you want to try out for a sport. Practices, meets, and games can take up to the whole afternoon. Most coaches consider school the number one priority. If you have 2 or more Ds or Fs you cannot play until you get off of the list. Some coaches will even kick you off the team if you have bad grades for too long. Some time management tips are to make a schedule and follow it, keep track of your assignments, and to avoid wasting time. This might be even more challenging if you have other activities such as clubs, work, band/orchestra, or things you have to do at home.