Do you want to get more involved with school activities? Well DECA is a perfect way to start. DECA stands for Distributive Education Clubs of America. But what do you do in DECA? You learn about how to run businesses how to even start your own business, and what goes into all the different aspects of it. It can be informational but also fun. You also go on field trips, which allows you to interact with others from different schools. Some of the trips include going to Newman and WSU, and even out-of-state trips like Austin, Texas. DECA also allows for many competitive opportunities for students.
On January 26, 2023, South High DECA competes at WSU. The experience was “…really fun. We got to see people from other schools and get to interact with them. We also got to make bracelets” Alexa Alvarez who is Junior Vice President of DECA. Junior Andrea Le placed third and junior Joanna Gomez placed third as well. Students had to take an hour-long test that was 100 questions and then go practice for 10 minutes for a roleplay. After that, you go act out the roleplay with a judge and that’s what determines where you place.
Isaiah Espinoza who is a senior and President of DECA at Wichita South High School, says “My responsibilities are to make sure all of my fellow DECA members stay on point and get more and more comfortable with business and marketing every day, also making sure they stay professional and representable for our group and school and to most importantly lead by example.” I recommend DECA for students who want to grow and expand their learning skills within the business community who want a challenge, and even those who want to get out of their comfort zone.

Alexa, Kiara, Isiah, Julius, Jamarcus, Jacob, and Andrea.