November 8, 2024

Stardew Valley Guide For Dummies

Stardew Valley is an untimed country life esque video game, created by Eric Barone, formally known as ‘ConcernedApe’ in 2016. When players are first launched into the game, they find that they have inherited their grandfather’s farm, which they move into to start a new life. They must do several tasks to upkeep the farm while doing other tasks within the valley. Within the town the player can farm, grow crops, raise animals, fish, and tend to the land. You can explore many places in the valley; for example, you can go into the mines to discover monsters and other minerals. You can also forage and find different fruits and vegetables within the town. The crafting feature can create things to make farm life easier. Socializing to befriend, date, and marry the townspeople within Pelican Town will help you tremendously. The final basic task to do in the game is to rebuild the town, meaning contributing to the town and giving back to the community. 

         This game has a thin layer of being a fun way to pass time with its cozy music and art style. However, when you get down to the iceberg and learn how difficult and time consuming completing several tasks can be, it outweighs the cozy outer shell of the game. For new players it can be quite confusing even with help from senior players, which is why it can be helpful to have a list of basic tips to help you navigate through the game.

#1- On your first day on the farm you are given parsnip seeds, don’t plant too many crops in your early days to preserve your energy, instead sell items that you forage and fish to earn money.

#2- In your first week you want to begin socializing with the townspeople to get an early start on personal tasks they might want you to complete, and who knows, maybe when you befriend them they might give you something in return.

#3- Foraging and exploring places like the back ways of the forest and the beach are the best places to find stuff. With this stuff you can add them to upgrade your community center and/or you can sell them to earn money to buy things.

#4- Be mindful of your energy level. When doing tasks like farming, foraging, and cutting down wood and stone, your energy levels will go down and it might be smart to carry a snack with you to refuel. When in the mines it’ll be different, you’ll have energy and a health level. This is because of the variety of monsters in the mines, food and drinks can be the remedy for that.

#5- Using your TV is crucial! It will tell things like your luck for that day, tips for farming and life in the valley, the weather for the next day, and food recipes you can use to craft meals. (Extra Tip: Don’t go to the mines on a bad luck day, it doubles the monsters).

#6- Preserve jars, kegs, furnaces, and chests can be placed all around down so use that to your advantage. (Just make sure it’s not in the way of an NPC).

#7- Wait until you get a silo to cut down grass with your scythe, it can be turned into hay to feed animals that you might get later in the game.

#8- Make sure to befriend your cat/dog, they might drop stuff for you. 

#9- The fastest way to befriend the townspeople is to get their favorite gifts so be on the lookout on which gifts are their favorites.

#10- Don’t be pressured to complete any tasks in an efficient manner and go at your own pace. This game is meant to be fun so don’t spoil it and enjoy yourself!

         Look back on these simple tips when you’re stuck and the game and it will give you that little push that you need. Stardew Valley is taken intensely by many players but don’t be pressured to do that. You are meant to find out stuff by yourself in the game so don’t look too deeply into guides. Enjoy the music, artwork, different characters and their personalities in the game!
