For some context, the Last of Us is a game set in a post-apocalyptic United States ravaged by cannibalistic humans infected by a mutated fungus in the genus Cordyceps, aka zombies. The story is evolved around Joel and Ellie, who have to travel across the country. It was released on June 14, 2013 and the second game was released on June 19, 2020. Later the game was adapated into a tv show on HBO max on January 15, 2023. Less than two weeks after the series premiered, HBO renewed The Last of Us for a second season. So, its that time of the year where fans are ready to sit back and watch the second season.
When is the second season coming out? While the exact release date hasnt been anounced, it is confirmed to premire of spring 2025. I know, it seems a little far but its really about like four months or so. What will the second season be about? Well, the first season was about the first game, ending mostly the same way so the show will pick up, or should at least, pick up where the second game takes place.
Is Ellie being recasted? Many people have been talking about the actor of Ellie, Bella Ramsey. When she was casted many people took to public saying things like, “She doesnt look like Ellie” or “She’s ugly” and more hateful words. To me, she doesnt look like Ellie, but she plays Ellie well, so her casting isn’t all bad. Fans all know that the Part II Ellie looks a lot different than the first game.
So, is the actor of Ellie going to be changed? In my opinion, I think the character should look older since it will be a 5 year time skip but it would be weird to just brin
g an entirely new actor to play her. However, both her and her co-star, Pedro Pascal (Joel), will be returning to season 2.
What do you think, will sesaon 2 be good? Was the first season even good?