According to South High Athletic Director Johnny Martin, “Before addressing the pool’s current status, it’s important to provide some context regarding the state of our swimming programs.
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted student participation across all athletic programs, with swimming being among the hardest hit. During the Fall of 2020, when students were unable to access the school building, participation in physical education classes and swimming activities declined sharply. Without exposure to swimming in PE, many students missed the opportunity to discover a passion for the sport or explore swimming as part of South High athletics.
Prior to the pandemic, our swim teams typically had 15–20 members per team. By contrast, from 2020 to 2023, our boys’ swim team never exceeded seven participants. This drastic decline in numbers highlights the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our swimming program.
He also says, ” Now, addressing the question at hand: Due to current budget constraints and the financial impact of recent school closures, the cost to repair the pool at this time is not feasible. While we remain committed to exploring repair options in the future should funding become available, there is no current timeline for addressing this issue.
We understand this is a source of frustration for our physical education department, coaches, and students, and we share their concerns. Additionally, we are monitoring the condition of other pools constructed during the same period to mitigate the risk of similar challenges arising elsewhere.”