The California fires began on January 7, 2025, in both the palisades and Eaton California. The fires quickly spread due to the high dangerous winds. The fires have caused at least 27 deaths in southern California. Over 390,00 acres of land have been destroyed. The fires have also destroyed over 12,00 structures. Many residents have been forced to flee their home in order for their safety and their family’s safety.

Many people have returned to their homes to be left with the sight of nothing left. One of those people being Wichita musician, Tommy Newport, whose house was located in California. He said “There was nothing… Even the things that were made out of metal were just completely destroyed, so there was nothing left but rubble, like ash”
Where will they go? Many have fled to families’ homes or friends’ homes or some even out of the state. The smoke in the air is not good for your lungs. Inhaling too much smoke without proper protection can cause harm to your body.
The fires started because of the dangerous hurricane that caused winds and the dry conditions. Even with this being the cause, many have said it was people who started these fires. There have been videos speculating around showing individuals starting new small fires in the California area.
There are still fires being burned today. Firefighters have worked hard to put these fires out; the community has been seen giving back to the heroic firefighters.