On November 6th, 2015 Call of Duty: Black Ops III was released. Commonly referred to as, Black Ops 3(BO3). Only skipping one year in 2004, after the first game was released in 2003, there has since been a Call of Duty game released every year.
In November 2015, BO3 averaged 24,852.8 players with a peak of 63,681 on STEAM, this doesnt mean overall, according to, steamcharts.com/app/311210. As of 2/10/25 there are 2,508 daily players also only on steam. In the last 30 days theres an Avg. of 2,746.4 players with a peak of 5,088. But why? Why has BO3 fallen off? To expect a game of almost 1o years to still be played with the same amount of players is rare, but not impossible. For an example Minecraft is still peaking to this day. One thing that is different between the 2 is that Minecraft is just one game with multiple updates, BO3 is a part of the Call of Duty franchise and doesn’t have many major updates, very often.
Since there are different Call of Duty games every year the majorty of the people will switch to the newest Cod.
Playing BO3 split-screen Zombies on with my brother was a big part of my childhood—just like it was for so many others.
I’ve been playing the game recently, and the player percentages in each mode are surprisingly low.
So why should we bring it back? Here are 6 reasons why:
- I’ve played newer Black Ops and they weren’t very different, yes, the maps changed but the concept is still the same
- It’s fun, nothing else needs to be said
- The servers are becoming dead, well they are dead but at least it’s a little manageable.
- Since the servers are dead, the only people playing are nice OG players and not the toxic middle-aged men or immature boys, so the lobbies are quiet and nobody is speaking on their mic
- It’s just better
- There are multiple different games you can play: zombies, multiplayer, and story