On March 11, 2025, Mrs. Matlock was awarded with the distinguished classroom teacher award for the high school category at Wichita South High school. The distinguished teacher award recognizes outstanding teachers who affect the quality of education in Wichita Public Schools, the distinguished classroom teacher award (DCTA) is the highest award bestowed by the district on its teaching staff. Many have appreciated her deep dedication to her students and department here at Wichita South Highschool. 
Every year in eight different categories awards are given, new teacher (elementary), new teacher (secondary) primary (Pre-K through 2), intermediate (3 through 5), middle school, high school, support (elementary), support (secondary) teachers.
A selection of made up of teachers, school and district administrators, the executive directors of elementary and secondary schools and a member of the United teacher of Wichita reviews the nominations and make their final selections.

The award recipients are recognized, and each will receive a crystal award and $20 in PTR that can be used in parent teacher resources. Their school also receives commemorative banner featuring their award-winning teacher.