September 14, 2024

Cross Country Had Their First Meet

Waiting to run!!!


Cross Country had their 1st meet last saturday (September 7, 2013), at Lake Afton. The cross country players did a great job and many won medals. From Varsity Girls, Hannah Matsui (a junior) won a medal. She was in 18th place with 18 points. Her time was 17:08. This put the Varsity Girls in 8/13 place as a team. In Varsity Boys, Tony Matsui (a junior) won a medal too! He was in 15th place with 15 points. His time was 17:51, which put the Varsity Boys in 7/12 place as a team. IN JV Boys, Eduardo Ramirez (a senior) win a medal also. He was in 24th place with 19 points.  His time was 12:47, which put the JV Boys in 7/11 as a team. It was a hot day but they pushed on and did an excellent job. Their endurance helped push them to succeed and to try their hardest. Good Luck at your next meet!IMG_2951IMG_2913IMG_2964IMG_2919