36 year old Ash Trevino first started posting on TikTok in April of 2023. She is known for her “exotic” content and unruly lifestyle. Some people have described her as an inmate “hopper”, which means she does adult things with people who are in prison.
Ash is often judged for her uncommon and impractical parenting tactics. Such as choosing to ignore and neglect her daughters whether feeding them properly or treating them when they are sick. It has even been said that Ash Trevino’s two teenage daughters don’t even have their own beds, let alone one to share. Leaving them to sleep on the floor or couch. She has brought up the topic of getting a bed for them to share. There nothing wrong with them sharing if it was a king or queen, but Trevino was talking about getting her two teenage daughters who are he same size as an adult, a full size bed to share.
Due to this, CPS has been said to have been called and is to investigate the children well-being and health. While on the topic of beds, Ash Trevino has been confirmed to have bed bugs. Recently she was live streaming on TikTok, while laying in bed. It was found that in the top corner of her pillow, a bed bug appeared. While Trevino tried to hide it, the damage was already done. And within minutes, the news was already out. This is one of many reasons Ash Trevino has recently become “popular” or famous. Trevino originally became popular on Instagram where she was said to do some adult things on a live stream which were very inappropriate to the point where she was said to be banned from Instagram.
One of the craziest things she has done is dating one of her daughter’s crushes. 19 year old Santos (last name yet to be found) was said to have dated Ash Trevino for several months. During that duration of time, Trevino has seem to look like she is trying to compete for attention with the cameras. Within that time, the two collab together which later boosted their fame and money. From this they release a song by Ms. Gold. The song consist of Ash talking her “nunu” referring to her lady parts. The song goes on about how he’s seen her reproductive organs and she’s seen his. From this Santos has got a bunch of backlash to the point he wishes he never dated her. Ash on the other hand has gotten so much hype that she is now going places like San Antonio, where she made some ruckus there as well.
Ash refuses to let her teenage daughters play the “nunu” song. She’s even been seen yelling at them on a live for playing and singing it. Ash Trevino has also been said to be caught yelling at the two teenagers on multiple accounts. Honesty it’s kind of sad how she treats her children. A true mother would never do what she does. Those children are probably embarrassed on behalf of their mother. Not only has Ash Trevino talked about her “nunu” to the public, but she has also recently been unloading picture of her body on her TikTok story, ashtrevino2007. She is now getting backlash for this and she is outraged that people don’t like her “exotic” photography. From stuff like this the people of TikTok and Instagram have made videos making fun of Trevino for what she looks like and the things she does.
But wait, that’s not all that has been happening.
Ash Trevino has been said to start beef with TikTok star Shawty Bae. There was conflict with the two due to Shawty Bae have a problem with Trevino being with Santos. It’s been said Santos was with Shawty Bae, which she did not like and Shawty Bae made it known when Trevino went to LA. Trevino even stated Santos was getting her an Air B&B, or she would be staying at Shawty Bae’s house. Shawty Bae responded saying she was not coming to her house, saying it was embarrassing for Trevino not understanding her feelings. Shawty Bae stated at first she liked Trevino but after she started becoming reckless and making fun of her she no longer liked her. Shawty Bae never wanted to be apart of that energy. From this, Shawty Bae publicly cancelled Ash Trevino by uninviting from their nightly lives. Since then there’s been a major beef between the two TikTok stars.
Many people have wondered why Ash Trevino has became popular and why so many people “like” her, but to honest, people only like to watch her and to give her views is due to people getting the pleasure of seeing someone that’s more messed up than them. Seeing someone who more screwed up and damaged gives people the satisfaction, knowing there could be those who are worse than them, and Ash Trevino is one of them.
Ash Trevino has to sell herself on TikTok to make money. But she used that money to go buy fast food, Louis Vuitton, and more impractical purchases when she could be using that money to get proper food and hygiene products for her kids and be a good and proper parent. We all got to wonder though what is Ash Trevino going to do when TikTok gets banned in the US to make money. We know she can’t go to Instagram due to her getting herself banned. We may know, we may never know. Who knows, she might disappear from the internet; not likely, but still could happen. It’s probably for the best she stopped using the internet for income and got a actual job to provide for her kids.
- https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/ashley-trevino.html
- https://www.soapcentral.com/human-interest/news-who-ash-trevino-influencer-trends-x-last-post-amid-tiktok-ban
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.change.org%2Fp%2Fget-ash-trevino-off-tiktok&psig=AOvVaw3IOgmy0g-WIWERqLZw2Pyd&ust=1738123805597000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCIiThfTFl4sDFQAAAAAdAAAAABBy
- https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1ho0odx/whats_going_on_with_ash_trevino/?rdt=59874
- https://genius.com/Msgold-ash-trevino-and-santosprc-nunu-lyrics
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fx.com%2F44vibeTV%2Fstatus%2F1866215210576679388&psig=AOvVaw3ZVuRwAUpu_l6pe4gLA_ml&ust=1738127317905000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCIiN9PzSl4sDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAp
- https://www.tiktok.com/@keepingupwithchisme/video/7454000311133293856?q=why%20does%20shawty%20bae%20not%20like%20ash%20trevino&t=1738210222838
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fshawtybaeofficial_%2Fp%2FCsh9nUAr1cW%2F&psig=AOvVaw2KC7XQDXCXeU2O2CSrxYb4&ust=1738340698496000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCPjT8vDtnYsDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.change.org%2Fp%2Fban-ash-trevino-remove-from-social-media&psig=AOvVaw0Tv81Afc1CAZTYtFlrM2Zr&ust=1738340912542000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCNiIkNvunYsDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAT
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40josetingzofficial%2Fvideo%2F7451160195398536494&psig=AOvVaw3JYM-pNowjupSFhZhn-ROU&ust=1738341347297000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCLCThabwnYsDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI