There are three different Spider-Men that have preformed in live action over the last 15+ years: Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland. Now everyone has different perspectives on who the best really is. Most would say Tobey because he’s the original, others would say Andrew because he has the best swinging (fact), while some would say Tom because he’s the recent Spiderman and is in the MCU. All of these movies have their flaws and I will be getting into all of them and get to who the best really is.
Side characters – Tom Holland’s movies in terms of side characters easily takes the cake between the three. In the movies he has Doctor Strange and Tony Stark to provide him help. He also had Ned, Happy and Aunt May. These characters are charismatic and memorable. Now, Tobey and Andrew had some memorable characters too. Andrew had only Gwen (pretty memorable), but Tobey had Harry and JJ, however, Tom still has better side characters.
Villains – Tobey. Tobey easily has the best supervillains as he had Sandman, Doc Ock, Green Goblin, and Venom. These are iconic villains as they were well written, very impactful, and he best villains for Spiderman. Although other Spidermen had other good villains as Andrew had Electro, Lizard, and Harry Osborn. Tom had Mysterio and The Vulture: these villains are okay, but compared to what Tobey had. these are mid.
Spider-Man – All three of these versions are great. Tobey is simply iconic as being the first live action Spidermen from the 20th century, from the suit to the fighting style, to even his presence. If you were to compare from the comics he would be the furthest from it. He doesn’t actually have web shooters as his web fluid forms from his actual body. Tom is very different from a classic Spiderman. He also doesn’t quip much, as he seems more like a scared kid but he does sometimes try to be funny. Neither of them compare to Andrew as he is amazing. He teases the villains in creative ways, his body language is even perfect as literally move like a spider. Even in the comics, he doesn’t ask for help from anyone which is something I like. As for Tom, since he has those side characters every time he suits up, he is always expecting help having all the technology surrounding him. This will be going to Andrew.
Peter Parker – As Tobey might have lost the actual Spiderman round, he is the best Peter Parker as he is closely related in the comics to what Stan Lee created. The constant problems he faces with JJ, his glasses, the hair, and what he suffers at school is exactly like the comics. Andrew might also have a lot of similarities to the comics, but he’s just not as an impactful Peter as Tobey was. For example, Uncle Bens death in Tobey was more impactful and memorable than Andrews. Tom doesn’t really face any problems like Tobey did for money and such, he just wasn’t impactful These struggles don’t make a better character, but its just who the character is and how he forms into his true self.
Fights – During fights, Tobey is the most memorable, as they emotionally attract you more, especially his fight with Green Goblin or Harry Osborn. Andrew does beat him in the agility and acrobatic aspect of it, which is more comic accurate seen in his fight with Electro, but not as accurate. Tom focuses too much on tech but does beat them in choreography with better CGI. Tobey wins from the emotional impact and iconic.
Movies – Now I know it would be a bit unfair because Andrew only has two movies, and in my opinion, I think if they made a third one, he would be the best, but that isn’t happening. Tobey had the best relevancy for movies in the early 2000s, as only one came out during 2002 and the other superhero movies back then weren’t that good, especially the CGI. His movies started the superhero fever within the last 15-20 years, and during this time this movie had made 900m dollars and is also loved by critics, which wasn’t normal at the time. Since Andrew had taken the mantle after Tobey, he was always being compared to him, and was also released when Avengers premiered so he had a lot of pressure from Tobey and MCU. He had the lowest box office films but he did have the best girlfriend. Tom had an advantage because fans were wanting new Spiderman content. he didn’t have as much pressure after taking on Tobey, and he benefited from the MCU. Tobey easily takes it with more iconic scenes.