As it happens most days, time has once again passed. During a particular day, sometimes referred to as the 3rd from a specific month, probably known to many as December, many events occurred. Among the...
Ballots have been cast and the votes are in! Every year in November, Sedgwick County holds its general elections. Public officials have differing term lengths, resulting in each year having a different...
During the November 2023 Kansas School Board of Education (KSBOE) meeting, the board officially instituted a revision of the state's requirements for high school graduation. The schedule of credits shifted...
The 2022-23 School year has been a fun one. COVID sent everyone home to do online learning only two years ago. This changed how the classroom worked. Last year, as schools started reopening, everyone...
As part of its annual observances, the QSA had its Day of Silence on April 12th, 2023. This is a national observance hosted by GLSEN, which the QSA gives its support. It is a holiday to protest against...
Need some sugar but aren't that good in the kitchen? Or are you missing too many ingredients you think you need? Fret not! Here are 3 dead simple snack recipes you can make in no time.
Peanut Butter...
After the 1st semester of the 2022-23 school year, many people have failed a class or still need to make one up. How do you make up a credit? What even is a credit?
What is a Credit?
In order to...
Now that the semester is in full swing, it's time to take stock of some important dates of this last semester of the 2022-23 school year. Of course, these dates will only be the most general. Events for...
In this premiere episode of a new The Torch podcast, Ollie Cockrum, Franki Dixon, Bowie Darrah, and Blanca Perez discuss massacres across history, including Ted Bundy's Massacre, the Wichita Massacre,...