If you haven't noticed in Teams, you have a grade level support channel. Within this channel, there are many updates, some exclusive to just to your grade. However, everyone was access to the College Visit...
Lately when I go to work, I happen to always get an orange juice from Quick Trip on the way there. One day, I thought, are there any benefits to drinking orange juice? Well, I googled it, and the answer...
Have you been struggling to find things to watch? Do you have Netflix? Well, I'm here to tell you my favorite shows on Netflix. This can be anywhere between young adult to mature shows, and of course some...
On Tuesday, the Freshman reported to the small gym during Titan Time to learn about next year's available classes, while the Sophmores and Juniors did the same on Thursday. It was a good opportunity to...
For some context, the Last of Us is a game set in a post-apocalyptic United States ravaged by cannibalistic humans infected by a mutated fungus in the genus Cordyceps, aka zombies. The story is evolved...
A little background knowledge on the Azores and what makes it so unique is their beautiful landscapes, the ecosystems, and vibrant culture.
Consisting of 9 islands it lies in the North Atlantic...
One Piece
Years after the death of Gold Roger, the deceased Pirate King, a young boy by the name of Monkey D. Luffy has dreams of raising his own crew, finding the One Piece, and declaring himself...
Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are two of the most renowned television shows ever. Breaking Bad, is about a high-school chemistry teacher named Walter White who gets diagnosed with lung cancer. He...
Every day at South High School there are always events occurring during school or after school. Here are some upcoming events for the next week!
Monday, October 28th: Avid Event, Drama/theater event,...
As someone who is a big fan of the first game, The Last of Us, I was quite disappointed at first by the second game. For anyone who may not know, The Last of Us is a game published in 2013 as an action-adventure...
The Crazytown play took place on 9/25/24 and 9/26/24. The play was about Crazytown, a news broadcast over the town, elementary school debate, and more. The play was fun, silly, and a good way to spend...