Gen Z has become more vocal about the gay and transgender community more than any other generation. This has to do with the fact that minorities have been suppressed for decades and it is certainly time...
"E-sports is a fast growing new program in Wichita Public Schools. We currently have E-sports at 9 of our high schools; we are expanding to all 18 of our middle schools. E-sports is much more than a club....
So, you want to get the vaccine, or any vaccine for any illness. However, your parent(s) are antivaxxers. How do you convince them to let you get vaccinated? For some teens, there is a risk of homelessness...
South High is back to welcome its returning students with homecoming. The homecoming tradition sees another day, after being cancelled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and back with a bang! Starting...
Mt. Cumbre Vieja, located on La Palma, a Spain governed island of the Canary Islands, has erupting, and been erupting since the 19th of September. The trouble began on the 11th, when an earthquake swarm...
The start of 2020 brought many unforeseen problems to the American workforce; how have labor unions protected workers? What are labor unions though? A labor union is an organized group of workers, usually...
On September 26th, the people of Switzerland got the opportunity to vote on same sex marriage, giving the LGBTQ+ members complete rights, no matter what gender or pronouns. The law passed with 64.1 percent...
Currently the U.S. has 250,000 unsolved murders and that number increases by about 6,000 each year. That's 250,000+ people who have received no justice because their killers remain unknown.
In a league that is heavily pushing for all players in the NBA to be vaccinated, Andrew Wiggins is throwing a wrench in those plans.
Andrew Wiggins, forward for the Golden State Warriors, had asked...
Ollie Cockrum, 16, They/Them
Junior at South High School (Class of 2024)
A reporter and editor for the Torch
Vice President for the Gay-Straight Alliance
Avid Crocheter
Casual Linguist
GabeNotBabe is a TikTok personality with 1.3 million followers on his account. Recently on September 26, 2021, he died in a car crash in San Antonio, Texas. A friend of Gabe named Chris Vazquez set up...
Hey South Students just a little reminder that fall pictures are tomorrow Tuesday September 28th and Wednesday September 28th! These will take place is your history class! Be sure to bring money or see...