Welcome Back South High.
Hey seniors, are you wanting to go to college? Do you want a scholarships? Well, go see Courtney Bell in the CCC, room B-6.
Courtney Bell – CCC Coordinator
If you have any questions or need help with homework, you can go see Ms. Bell at ANYTIME.
Senior’s Seniors, you have 11 easy steps… Sounds like a lot, but it’s not.. Go to Mrs. Bell’s Room, B-6
1. Go to the CCC in room B6.
2. Visit colleges you are interested in attending.
3. Apply to any colleges, private or public, you might want to attend (do not worry about the cost of tuition at this point).
4. Apply for scholarships at the colleges you applied to, as well as any outside scholarships for which you qualify. For help finding and applying for scholarships, see Ms. Bell.
5. 2nd semester senior year, apply for financial aid after you have done your taxes but before March 1st if possible at www.fafsa.gov. You can still submit your FAFSA after March 1st.
6. At the time of completing your/your parents taxes, request a tax transcript in case you are selected for verification. See the articles section of this page for step by step instructions.
7. If you do not receive a financial aid offer after filling out your FAFSA, check with the college to confirm they have all of the required documentation (documentation may vary).
8. Based on your financial aid and scholarship package, choose a college.
9. Be aware of deadlines to accept awards and/or to enroll in classes at the college you choose.
10. Turn in housing contracts as soon as possible. When it comes to dorms, the best rooms go fast.
11. Finally — Participate in Freshmen Orientation at your college, and enroll in your classes for the fall semester.
Do Something! Get ideas for community service and leadership projects, and apply for grant money to fund your ideas under “our programs”.
Get Money to Start Your Own Project Do you have a community service or school service project idea? Get money for it through Pepsi. Click on the link and start your application.
FAFSA Forcaster Get an idea of how much financial aid you might receive before you do your official FAFSA (not available until January 1st senior year)