Last week, South High’s theatre teacher, Vonda Schuster, and Thespian Troupe 182 attended the Kansas Thespian Festival from Thursday through Saturday. Students that went on the trip include Kasper Bentz, Sarah Hittle, Brianna Humphrey, Tyley Miles, Rowen Salinas, Apollo Towne, and Aven Warren. Here, I asked Ms. Schuster a few question about what they did, and what the festival was about:
What is the Kansas Thespian Festival?
“Kansas Thespian Festival is held every January at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Century II, in Wichita. Students attend workshops like Stage Combat, Dance, Auditioning for Colleges, Stage Management, and Make-Up, to name a few.”
What did you do?
“There were workshop presenters from all areas of the country, including California, and New York City. Thirty-seven colleges were in attendance at this year’s festival; colleges such as Wichita State University, University of Kansas, Butler Community College, AMDA College of Performing Arts, and Oklahoma State University. They had booths where perspective students could visit with them, and they also were present for the college audition process.”
“Some high schools went through an adjudication process and were selected to perform for the delegates at the festival. They were: Olathe South “The Neverland Project”, Pittsburg High School “Les Miserables: Teen Edition”, Shawnee Mission South “Six: Teen Edition”, and Topeka High School: “Hadestown: Teen Edition”.”
“Evening activities included performances of superior rated Thespys, Dance workshops, Creative Costuming, Improvisation, and Charades.”
How did the audition process work?
“Thespians performed either two monologues or a song and a monologue for all the colleges at once, and then they would receive call backs and offers from colleges who were interested. Sarah Hittle auditioned this year, and received 16 college call backs!”
Congratulations on your induction to the Hall of Fame and your Teacher of the Year award! Could you tell me more about what the award means to you?
“I was honored to be inducted into the Kansas Thespian Teacher Hall of Fame, for my years of service to the State Thespian Board, and my participation and help with the Festival. I also received the Theatre Teacher of the Year Award for Region 1. I was humbled and grateful. I am retiring this year, so it was a very special moment of recognition for the hard work that all theatre teachers do across the state.”
“South’s troupe 182 also won its 28th Gold Honor Troupe Award for its contribution to performance, community service, and school service. It was a great last festival for me, after 27 years at South.”