The income from ticket sales is important for financing the sports program. After all- jerseys, equipment, and travel expenses must be paid for somehow. Without this income, our teams would lose their support. At the same time, the amount that each individual athlete must pay would increase. They would have to finance travel and equipment costs. As a result, some students would no longer be able to play their sport because they could no longer afford it.
On the other hand, the ticket price can be a financial burden. For example, students who want to cheer on their team and their friends or for parents who want to see their child play. This can be especially burdensome for families with multiple children, particularly if each child plays one or even several sports. For these students and families, the costs quickly add up.

Another argument is that the games at the schools are supposed to benefit the whole community. if admission were cheaper, more people could afford to come to the games and support the teams.
At the same time, the question arises as to whether the ticket prices are the biggest problem at all. Advertising partnerships or donation campaigns are other sources of income that can support our sports programs. Should the funding perhaps come more from alternative sources instead of asking spectators to pay?
The ideal solution is likely a balanced approach, where spectators contribute financially to maintain high-quality sports programs without placing a burden on families and students who want to attend and support their teams.