His name is Robert the doll and he is considered the most haunted doll in the world. For over 100 years this single doll has tormented thousands, Thousands of people have fallen to be victims of Robert the doll. Robert is believed to be possessed by a kind of malevolent spirit because of the experiences they’ve had with the doll.
The story of Robert the doll begins in 1905, at Robert Eugene Otto’s fifth birthday party with his sister, the nanny and her daughter, and the parents of Robert. The doll was a gift for Robert by parents and they had no idea what was in store for them. Nobody knows how much one toy can change the life of a child. The doll took Roberts name and the bit just went by ‘Gene’. Gene and Robert were “best friends’ growing up. Growing up with Robert, Gene acted different and misbehaved a lot pointing the blame to Robert. Creating the famous saying “I didn’t do it. Robert did it”.
Robert never settled right with Gene’s mother she could tell there was something dark within the doll. Gene when on to be an artist and designed the gallery at the Fort East Martello Museum. When Gene passed away in 1947, people who encountered Robert began to notice the strange energy within the doll. Myrtle Reuter purchased the home in 1974 and was Roberts companion until 1994 when she donated him to the Fort East Martello Museum. Myrtle died a few months later but Robert was still active.
Shortly the museum staff started to notice a shift of energies at the Fort East Martello Museum. Robert would start receiving visitors as the world spread about his whereabouts. Once he was put on exhibit many cameras and electronic devices would malfunction. Over the years many would write and email Robert apology letters, asking for forgiveness for the disrespect they showed towards Robert the doll. Those who showed any disrespect would feel the wrath of Robert.
Going to visit Robert at the Fort East Martello Museum, you have to follow his 4 rules when meeting . Rule number one you introduce yourself, number two you always have to be polite, number three you have to say goodbye, and rule number four is the most important rule is ask permission when taking his picture. Never touch the glass that surrounds Robert.
There is more to Robert’s story and others who have encountered Robert, much more. I would share more of his story, but to share more of his story is something I’m not going to do. Sharing his story is more than most you might think, telling his story you have to do it properly in a way Robert approves. Now you might not believe in the paranormal but I do and those who were telling Robert’s story in a way he didn’t improve got to feel the wrath of Robert. This is something I don’t wat to experience, but if you want to know more then you can do more research. Many stories surround this doll.
Goodbye Robert till next time.