October 10, 2024

South Students’ Thoughts On the 22-23 School Year

As this year comes to an end, I’ve reflected on how its been and how it was different compared to my freshman year. I’ve learned important lessons, tried new things, and had a good year overall. But, I also wanted to know how the year went for other students. Some are graduating, and some have just gotten done with their first year. So, here’s what South students said to questions about their year:

What is one thing you’re glad you did this year?

theaniyahmack: meet so many new people and staff members

anahigonzalez86: joined clubs and participated in school activities

_xo.annaaa_: being more involved

kasperkujos: making friends instead of staying quiet

calebis316: taking graphic and indesign

robbinssilaya: I’m glad I stood up for myself

anthonygmtbh: did three sports

If you could summarize your year in one word, what would it be?

theaniyahmack: HARD

coachb0: improvement

_xo.annaaa_: FAST

itz.braden06: YEEHAW

iheart,janaya_: memorable

anthonygmtbh: bodacious

alitrnguyen: eye-opening

robbinssilaya: emotional

What made it hard to keep your grades up?

theaniyahmack: ME

coachb0: procrastination

_xo.annaaa_: being unmotivated

itz.braden06: MATH

anthonygmtbh: Mrs. Haney

kasperkujos: Trying to multitask grades and out-of-school activities

quinxn_: my sport

_eightospades_: school work

Overall, did you have a good year?

out of 30 votes…

57% said yes

3% said no

40% said it was okay


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