Last Thursday, the atmosphere in the gym at North High was very upbeat. Our wrestling boys had to prove themselves in two exciting matches; first against Bishop Carrol and then against North. Under the eyes of many spectators, critical judges, hopeful coaches and motivated teammates, they put up a tough but fair fight.

First, the boys had the opportunity to watch the North vs. Bishop Carroll match, which gave them time to evaluate the other wrestlers’ techniques and prepare for who they were about to face. After a short warm-up and a final motivational speech from the coaches, the first matches began. The matches were taught, but after a few matches we were ahead and were able to keep it. So, our team was not surprised, but not less happy about the victory at the end of the dual. Final score: 40:33. The second round against North was no less successful. The boys fought hard and were able to come out on top. Final score: 45:24. They were two very hard fights, but it paid off.

What motivated our team to perform so well? Varsity wrestler Jayden Kirk says this: “To be great, you have to push yourself and sacrifice things that people are afraid to let go of.”
With this mindset, it is no surprise that the team is doing so well. Hopefully, they will stay just as motivated and perform just as well for the rest of the session.