Mystery Flesh Pit National Park, a franchise that originally started on Reddit in 2019 by Trevor Roberts. Mystery Flesh Pit is a digital horror story about a "Superorganism" dubbed the "Persian Basin...
The Amazing Digital Circus is a new series, up-coming to Youtube. The Amazing Digital Circus is a show with only a pilot so far, being worked on by Glitch Production. The main person to start The Amazing...
Whether it's old indie games, or new indie games, the one genre that will always reign above many others is horror. That being said, many are better than others, and I'll be talking about my top 3 picks...
On the gaming platform Roblox, Creatures Of Sonaria is a survival RPG where you can play as a multitude of creatures. As Halloween is coming up, this Friday (Oct. 13, 2023) the Halloween event will be...
Rain World, as mentioned on this page before, is a survival game on Steam. With owning Rain World Downpour, you get to play as a multitude of Slugcats. The one I'll be talking about is Saint, the green...
Lost in Vivo is a horror game made by Akuma Kira, the creator of Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, also dubbed Spooky's House of Jump Scares. In Lost in Vivo, you start as a character with a corgi. You are...
The first playable demo of WolfQuest was released on October 31, 2007. The first episode of the game was released on December 21, 2007, as a free, downloadable game for Macintosh and Windows computers....
Rain World is a game on Steam. The base game is $24.13 and the DLC Rain World Downpour is $14.99. In Rain World, you play as a species in the game called a slugcat. There is a Steam Workshop where you...
Caring for my cat.Playing videogames.Drawing(primarily digital).Spending time with friends(both digital and IRL).
Rewatching shows/movies(especially How to Train Your Dragon. I still need to watch...