Important Days of the Semester
Now that the semester is in full swing, it’s time to take stock of some important dates of this last semester of the 2022-23 school year. Of course, these dates will only be the most general. Events for individual clubs, classes, etc need to be discovered for yourself.
There are many clubs in South, some details of when they meet are below. Make sure to get passes with the respective teachers before attending!
- Creating Calm: A club for relaxation through various arts. Meets in the library Tuesdays at lunch.
- Foreign Language Club: Also Tuesdays at lunch.
- The Laborious JOB: Wednesdays at lunch in the library.
- FCCLA: Wednesdays at lunch in F5.
- Latino Club: Wednesdays at lunch in E5.
- Bicycle Interest Group (BIG): Fridays at lunch in F5.
- LAASE: Lunch in the library on Fridays.
- Chess Club: Fridays at lunch in E14.
- Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA): Fridays at lunch in K20.
Quarters and Late Work Cut Offs
Late Work Cut Off for Quarter Three: Friday, the 3rd of March.
End of Quarter Three: Friday, the 10th of March (A No-School day).
Late Work Cut Off for Quarter Four / Semester Two: Friday, the 19th of May.
End of Quarter Four / Semester Two / The Last Day of School: Wednesday, the 24th of May.
Finals are the 23rd and 24th of May, Blue then Red.
Senior Finals will be the 4th and 5th of May (Red then Blue).
Other Events and Dates
Winter Homecoming: Tenative date, either the 11th or 12th of February (Saturday and Sunday respectively).
ACT Test Day: the 28th of February.
Prom: Also a tentative date, around the 15th of April (A Saturday).
No School Days
Presidents’ Day Break: February 17th (Fri) through 20th (Monday).
Spring Break: March 10th (Fri) through 19th (Sun).
Easter Break: April 7th (Fri) through 10th (Mon).