Ever wonder who comes to help fix a computer when there’s a problem with it during class? Believe it or not, most of the time it’s a student. South High has a bunch of students for Tech Support. These students Have it has an elective, and what they do is help keep the computers and technology running so that the learning of the students can continue as smoothly as possible. Basically, these students play a very important role in how we learn, because our schools rely on technology. These spectacular students would be David Aguilar, Izaak Spierling and Mark Houchien.
David Aguilar: David is a tech support student because he likes technology and it’s something he’s good with. His favorite part about the elective is that it’s not an actual sit down and listen class, the learning is technique used is different. His least favorite part about the class is when they run into the same problem over and over again, and he wishes more people were good with technology. He likes technology and believes it’s the way of the future. He helps out at home because most of the technology there is his so it’s his responsibility. When asked if there are times when he doesn’t know what to do and what those situations might be, Aguilar’s response is “Anything and Everything, that’s why the internet is there.” When there is nothing to do he usually does inventory, and if there’s too much to do, it gets pushed to another hour.

Izaak Spierling: Unfortunately, i didn’t get a chance to interview him.
Mark Houchien: Mark is a Tech Support student because it’s something he’s been interested in for years. He likes the class because you learn by example and hands on experiences instead of by a textbook. He doesn’t like it when computers have the same problem over and over again, and he wishes computers didn’t have the same problem more than once. He loves technology. He helps out at home because he’s pretty much the only person there that can do it. There are several situations where he doesn’t know what to do, and a lot of the time it’s with printers. when there’s nothing to do he does inventory and when there’s too much, it gets pushed to another hour.